Expat Jobs in Germany


August 8, 2016

Expat Jobs in Germany Tips: Mohamed, a Tunisian Expat

Mohamed tells us about his experience finding work in Germany in the following video. Watch it here

Video transcription

Hello, my name is Mohamed Ibrahim Zgaya and I am a Tunisian expat in Germany (Find arabic speaking jobs in Germany!). I’m a computer programmer and I’ve lived in Germany for about two years now.

What brought me to Germany

I came to Germany to continue my education and improve my programming skills. I’ve found out that Germany is the best place to work as it offers many work places and there are jobs available everywhere.

I chose Germany because the infrastructure is better and because it offers many positions and better job chances than in my country.

My experience searching for a job in Germany

Basically, when I came I had to learn German to communicate with people. It is easy to talk in English but in German you feel more comfortable.

So I had to go to many agencies and job bureaus but I finally found the job that I needed. The job that I found was on the internet.

My #1 tip for expat jobseekers in Germany

Mohamed, a Tunisian Expat
My number one advice for you is to learn German. I know it’s not easy, sometimes it’s boring, maybe you suck at languages, but you have to learn it to be better and to exceed at work and in your life.

One quick tip: you have to be patient and you have to take the opportunities that you get.

If you are looking for a job in Germany, please check expatjobseeker.de


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