Expat Jobs in Germany


Jesse James Woods
October 8, 2015

Expat Jobs in Germany Tips: Elena, a Spanish Expat

In the video below Elena provides expats in Germany with her  job experiences and tips. See it now!

Video transcription

Hi, my name is Elena, and I’m a Spanish expat living and working in Berlin. I am a Project Manager and I have been living in Germany for 9 years and in Berlin for the last tow and a half years.

What brought me to Germany

I started making ERASMUS here in Germany. Then I decided to make my Master’s thesis here. Then I made another Master’s in Business in Berlin, and then I started to work.

I was first in Aachen, then in Cologne, and then I moved to Berlin.

My mother always told us “Ok, you have to learn two languages.” I decided of course English, then I decided to studied a little French but I have forgotten everything, and then I decided on German because I have studied telecommunications engineer, and a lot of big companies are here in Germany and I thought that it would be a good experience for me.

I like Germany, not only because of the culture here, people and the opportunities, but also because of all the people you can meet – it’s international, you meet a lot of people not only from Germany, but also from Spain, Brazil France – everywhere!

My experience searching for a job in Germany

My first job was working at RWTH Aachen University because I studied there and checked if there was some open positions, but they were for programming. Then I decided to make a Master’s in Business, and that was the first time that I came to Berlin, for a university here.

Then I checked for open positions in different companies and sent my CV to all these companies. In the end, companies started sending me emails and inviting me for interviews.

My #1 tip for expat jobseekers in Germany

Elena's tip for expat jobseekers in Germany

Don’t be afraid. Come here, live the experience and meet new people also because with having new contacts there is always a friend of a friend that knows there is a position somewhere and that always helps. And try to find networks online.

To know how to speak German is a plus of course because if you are in a new country, you should learn their culture, and the people from that country also appreciate that. But in Berlin it is really international so with English you can go everywhere.

If you want to get to know me better

If you want to get to know me a little more just check my resume on expatjobseeker.de


Want to share your tips and experiences from working as an expat in Germany? Then please record and send a video similar to the one above to jesse(at)expatjobseeker(dot)de, or comment about your working experience and share job tips at the bottom of this post.

Want to be found and hired by a company in Germany and network with other local expats? Then post your resume now at expatjobseeker.de!


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